Still. Verb. Beauty. Chaos. Content.

Still. Verb. Beauty. Chaos. Content.

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Skins actin' a fool.

I've been a faithful MAC NC 40/42 user since my freshmen year of college.  Despite hearing that it clogs pores and causes break outs because of all the "cloggyness"- I used it because it gave me the coverage that I needed.  I've always had acne prone skin anyway ::shrugs shoulders::.

So I've recently switched-- for shits and giggles, to NARS Sheerglow Foundation in Barcelona this past mid-winter season.  I loved it! it gave me this fantastic glow, didn't accentuate any dry spots and gave me natural coverage.

Now that the days are warmer, it starts to cake on meee face! It literally spotlights all my wrinkles, all the crevasses that I didn't know that I had lol and cherry on top people-- breaks me out with all these little pimples especially in my chin area!  Like what happened to the foundation that I thought was my HOLY GRAIL? total Fail. I want to return it but its been through 3 months of use lol.

Back in my kit you go and hibernate & wait for colder days I guess.

So, planning to re-purchase my MAC NC40 once again, my soul mate, my first love (sorry I left you in the first place boo) 

I'm just overall disappointed with this whole situation.  Here I go venturing out of my comfort zone, to expand my horizons and seek new products in hopes it will change my perception to makeup.  Well I guess it was a miss. Oh bladee. Oh bladah. Life goes on.

Just a rant. NARS Sheerglow ISN'T for everybody people lol

Peace & Blessings

Re-hydrating my skin at the moment, wsup.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can You Stand the Rain...

I praise the individuals who stood in the rain.
Who stood tall through the storm-- cold, powerless,
and alone. 

Looking up in the endless night sky
thinking and wondering if this rain is a blessing
or just tears returning back to them. 

Do we seek shelter,
or do we just take it as we deserve it ?
There must be a reason behind all this.

There has to-- its too poetic not to.

As I quietly and motionlessly stand in this growing puddle,
with each drop stabbing my heart... 

I take it.

Because I know,
the water shed will take part of a spiritual growth-- that
amongst all this hurt, a part of me will grow.

After all my tears are seeds.

As Always,

Peace & Balance.