Still. Verb. Beauty. Chaos. Content.

Still. Verb. Beauty. Chaos. Content.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can You Stand the Rain...

I praise the individuals who stood in the rain.
Who stood tall through the storm-- cold, powerless,
and alone. 

Looking up in the endless night sky
thinking and wondering if this rain is a blessing
or just tears returning back to them. 

Do we seek shelter,
or do we just take it as we deserve it ?
There must be a reason behind all this.

There has to-- its too poetic not to.

As I quietly and motionlessly stand in this growing puddle,
with each drop stabbing my heart... 

I take it.

Because I know,
the water shed will take part of a spiritual growth-- that
amongst all this hurt, a part of me will grow.

After all my tears are seeds.

As Always,

Peace & Balance.

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